About Me

I never had to fill out a dating profile, and I really struggled to come up with a catchy one-liner for underneath my senior picture because, really, how can a person condense his/her whole life into one or two sentences and make it sound exciting enough that everyone reading it will want to be your best friend? Impossible, am I right? #Iamright

But in one sentence, let me just say...I have a lot of skills.

At any given point in my life, I've been a high school teacher, indie filmmaker, wedding dress consultant, farm worker, and all around layabout, but the thing that's been one constant in my life is writing. I started with short stories in third grade and was first published in fifth grade! (Fifth Grade Poetry Anthology of 1997, it's a real thing. Look it up.) I've written screenplays, and even had one come to life when I directed the feature film Just Like We Used To Do, which was one of the most difficult and gratifying moments of my life.

Now, though, I've found myself here, writing happily ever after endings in romance novels. I've come to love writing books because I can experience love and laughter through other people when sometimes real life isn't so bright and perfect. So, I invite you to come along with me on this journey as I begin yet another career path as Romance Writer Extraordinaire.

Do you love me yet? #Iknewyouwould

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