Friday, April 22, 2016

Captain Planet, he's our hero!

Hello, Sunshine

I think we can all agree yesterday was a sad day in our lives. Let's take a moment to enjoy the pure eargasm of Prince. 

It's safe to say, after catching Purple Rain on HBO when I was twelve, I had my sexual awakening.

In other news, it's Earth Day today. And since I'm a hippie dippie kind of chick, let's talk about it, kids.

Earth Day began in 1970 and is celebrated in 193 countries, coordinated by the Earth Day Network. This year, the Paris Agreement is scheduled to be signed by U.S. and China, the two worst perpetrators of carbon emissions at a combined 40%, and over 120 other countries to help cut on greenhouse gases. 

What are greenhouse gases you ask? Great question. 

Greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and a couple other ones I can't pronounce. They are results from everyday activities, such as: using electricity, manufacturing, driving cars, and farting cows. Once these gases are released into the atmosphere, they basically wrap around Earth like aluminum foil on a freshly made burrito and trap the sun's radiation in, which causes our planet's temperature to rise.


Bad news is global warming can't be stopped. Good news is we can slow it down. It's pretty simple really. Just stop doing things that emit greenhouse gases. 
  1. Walk or ride a bike when you can. Get a bus pass or grab a ride with your buddy. The less cars on the roads, the better. 
  2. Convert to energies that make Earth happy like solar, wind, or water. Or, do something as simple as changing your light bulbs to compact fluorescents. That will save about 300 lbs of carbon per year. 
  3. Eat less meat. The meat industry creates 20% of the global gas emissions (that's a lot!) and uses 2,500 gallons of water per pound of beef. Plus, our country's agriculture is getting out of control with the GMOs. If you aren't growing it, raising it yourself, or buying it from a local market, be suspicious. 
If you want more ideas on how to be part of Captain Planet's gang, buy Zero Waste Home. I highlighted it on my book page. It's written by a French women, so obviously so knows what she's talking about, and tells you how to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. And just generally be a better, kinder person. But don't buy the paper version. Save the trees and get a Kindle.



Saturday, April 16, 2016

Book Boredom

Hello, Sunshine

Did you ever start reading a book and halfway through decide you don't like it? But try to power through, thinking you'll change your mind?

I'm reading Pride and Prejudice, a classic. What's wrong with me that I don't love a classic?

A few years ago, I decided I'd read all the books from the high school reading list I didn't get to and/or Sparknoted instead of actually reading. It started off great with The Catcher in the Rye (which is highlight on my page), Slaughterhouse Five, and To Kill a Mockingbird, but then I got to these English "classics." First was Dicken's A Tale of Two Cities and, whew boy,  did I ever struggle with that one. I quit less than halfway through. Reading it, I felt like Joey when he tries to learn French.

Now, with Jane Austin, I'm ready to throw in the towel. But I don't want to be a quitter. I want to be a winner. A winner who can read English prose without wanting to cry. So onward I go to page 131. If you haven't heard from me in a few days, send help. I've probably been rereading the same paragraph over and over again and didn't realize it.

"The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." - Jane Austin



Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Hello, Sunshine

As I write this, I have Usher stuck in my head.  

I attended my FIRST EVER writer's retreat with some amazing women. I'd been to screenwriting conferences and festivals before but never really enjoyed the writing classes. Picture a lot of hipster dudes with M.F.A.s and a pencil behind their ear to show they're '"old school" as they silently judge everyone else behind their square glasses and sweaters with holes in them. It was hard for me, a boisterous chick with a penchant for not verbally filtering my sarcastic thoughts, to fit in with Tarantino and Sorkin wannabes. 

BUT guess what? Writers of romance are just like me! I finally found my people!

Aren't my people pretty?

The incomparable and beautiful Brighton Walsh (more on my relationship with B-rock to come at a later date) put it all together. I spent almost 72 hours with these ladies learning, laughing, and talking about all things romance. (But mostly laughing) I came back with a ton of ideas and even more motivation. 

I was once given this piece of advice, "Never be the smartest person in the room," and I will take it to the grave. When we stop learning from other people, we stop growing...and I want at least another three inches taller. For realsies though, these women taught me quite a bit in just a few short days, the most important of which is to never be afraid to do something out of my comfort zone. And look at me now, doing something out of my comfort zone, blogging. 

This past weekend, I was happy to be in a room full of people smarter than me. Besides, if I'm ever the smartest person in the room, we're officially in a zombie apocalypse, and they've eaten everyone else. 

